The debate over when to celebrate `Id
al-Adha revolves around two opposing positions; those who argue that `Id
al-Adha is not linked to the rites (manasik) of the pilgrimage (hajj)
and those who contend that ‘Id al-Adha is inextricably connected with
the hajj.
believe that by celebrating ‘Id-al-Adha in unison with the pilgrims (hujjaj),
we are giving this great day of happiness and joy its true meaning and
on `Id al-Adha those who are not performing the hajj vicariously
celebrate the achievement of the hujjaj who were present at the
appointed time on the sacred plains of `Arafat in compliance with the
most important symbolic ritual pertaining to the hajj.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has informed us in a hadith that: “The
Pilgrimage is Arafah.” (Musnad of Imam Ahmad)
Muslim scholars such as Ibn Taymiyya (d.1328) have long held the view that `Id
al-Adha is one of the significant ways in which the non-pilgrims
participate vicariously and thus share in the great blessings of the hajj.
`Id al-Adha the day after wuquf al-`Arafat is one of at least
four ways in which non-pilgrims share in the great blessings of hajj.
other three are fasting on the day of ‘Arafat, the chanting of the takbir
(extolling Allah) and the animal sacrifice (udhiya).
fasting of the non-pilgrims on the day of wuquf al-‘Arafat is a highly
recommended sunnah. In order to underscore the precise meaning and
significance of fasting on the day of `Arafah one of the female
companions by the name of Umm al-Fadl (may Allah be pleased with her) reports
the following hadith:
People were in doubt over whether the Prophet (pbuh) was
fasting on the day of ‘Arafah, and so I sent him some milk, while he was
delivering his farewell sermon at ‘Arafat, and he (the Prophet) took it
and drank it.
(Bukhari and Muslim)
the basis of the above hadith we can safely conclude that fasting on the
day of `Arafah is not intended for pilgrims who are gathered on the
sacred plains of `Arafat.
fasting on the day of `Arafah is a way for non-pilgrims to participate
indirectly in the hajj and to spiritually link with the hujjaj who
are gathered at `Arafat.
well known jurists, such as Imam al-Baghawi (d.1122) and Imam al-Sarakhsi
(d.1096), contend that the original Qur’anic ruling pertaining to the takbirat
of the days of tashriq are primarily directed at the hujjaj
(Q2:203 & Q22:28). As a result these and many other notable jurists within
all of the four major sunni law schools have recommended that the
non-pilgrims should commence and end their chanting of the takbirat in
unison with the hujjaj.
but not least, the animal sacrifice (udhiya or qurban) on the day
of `Id al-Adha and the subsequent three days of tashriq, is
referred to in the Qur’an as one of the final rites of the hajj
verses make it clear that after having sacrificed an animal the pilgrim may
exit from his/her ihram (state of consecration). For the
non-pilgrim, therefore, sacrificing an animal keeps alive the spiritual
connection between the non-pilgrim and the hujjaj and is thus another
way for non-pilgrims to participate indirectly in the hajj.
animal sacrifice by non-pilgrims on `Id al-Adha and the subsequent days
of tashriq is intended to make Muslim hearts beat in unison with the
hearts of the hujjaj gathered at the sacred places in Makkah.
contemporary times, when it is possible to view the entire hajj via
satellite television it is incumbent upon Muslims all over the world to
synchronize their `Id al-Adha celebrations, fasting on the day of `Arafah,
chant the takbir and perform animal sacrifice with the hujjaj in
position is supported by many contemporary Muslim scholars, including Shaykh
Jad al-Haq `Ali Jad al-Haq (d.1996), the former rector of Al-Azhar University
in Cairo.
response to a fatwa on the issue requested by the Muslim Judicial Council in
1989, Shaykh Jad al-Haq responded as follows:
it is the duty of all Muslims no matter where they are on the earth of Allah to
coincide with the Hujjaj on ‘Arafat in their standing and their
celebration of `Id. Since this is so it is incumbent on all Muslims of
South Africa and others to celebrate the blessed `Id al-Adha with all
the hujjaj in Makkah, in spite of the different time factors …” (Sunday
Times, 2 July 1989)
conclusion, hajj is an expression of global Muslim unity in addition to
it being a source of spiritual transformation for the individual hajji.
It has an individual as well as a social objective.
latter can only be achieved if the Muslim Ummah is united in observing the hajj
especially now that it has become possible to know in advance when the hajj is
going to be performed.
our celebration of `Id al-Adha with the hajj also resonates
strongly with our longstanding Cape Muslim cultural tradition in which it is
colloquially known as labarang haji.
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